Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Feedback for my flatplan

I got feedback for my flatplan from Ms Burne. This feedback was helpful as it will improve my final magazine. It will also benefit me by it making my magazine look more realistic. I will imply the feedback on my magazine which will help me improve the magazine and make it took as a professional magazine.

On the front cover, the feedback I got told was:

§  It’s Conventional

§  It’s good that all the text was aliened to the side.

§  Like that the picture of the artist is a mid-shot.

§  Like the “HMK THE RISE TO FAME” as it’s bold.

§  That there is a quote from the artist and he is pointing at it.

§  The barcode at the price is in the bottom right Connor.


I also got feedback on the content page.  I was told that it was:

·         Its conventional

·         The layout is good as it as 3 pictures.

·         I was told the columns should be equal width

·         Was also told to swap the picture at the bottom left with the editor’s letter.

·         The way ‘contents@ is written.

·         Have the text aliened with the edge of the page.


Here is the feedback I received for my Double Page Spread, and I was told:

·         The layout was good because there’s one picture on the A4 page and the other page is the interview.

·         The Pull quote next to the artist is good because it created a feeling as if the artist is speaking to the reader.

·         The text needs to aliened next to the page edge.

·         Like the page number, with the web address at the bottom right Connors.


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